For those waiting or interested in an allotment or community growing spaces

The survey has been divided into sections covering a range of different situations. Please take a look at the list below to see which sections of the survey are most appropriate/ relevant to you and complete these. Please leave the other sections blank.   If you are unsure about a question/answer, please leave this blank or state that you are unsure.

We fully appreciate that you may have limited time or know less about some things than others, so thank you for your help and time with this.  

Sections in the survey:
Section 1 - For anyone already on a waiting list for an allotment
Section 2 - For anyone who is interested in an allotment but not on a waiting list
Section 3 - For anyone involved in a community growing project in Lancaster District
Section 4 - For anyone thinking about starting an allotment site or community growing project 

All responses will be anonymous in the report.