Big City Butterflies follow up survey

You have received this survey because you have previously taken part in a Big City Butterflies event or activity, and/or signed up to our mailing list. We are interested in hearing what people have done since taking part in the project, and would be grateful if you could complete this short survey, which should take no more than 5 minutes. Please note that the survey is anonymous and no names will be used in our evaluation reports. 
1.Which of the following Big City Butterflies activities have you taken part in? Please tick all that apply.
2.Before getting involved in Big City Butterflies, which of the following statements best describes how you felt about nature/wildlife or the natural environment?
3.And how do you feel now, as a result of taking part in our activities/events, or learning more about Big City Butterflies through our newsletter?
4.Have you done any of the following, as a result of being involved in the Big City Butterflies project? Please tick all that apply.
Have done
Not done yet, but want to
Might be interested in
Taken part in other nature-focused activities/events
Become a volunteer for Butterfly Conservation
Become a supporter of Butterfly Conservation
Taken part in the Big Butterfly Count or Garden Butterfly Survey
Used I-Record
Carried out regular butterfly monitoring
Garden in ways that benefit butterflies and moths
Improved habitats in my local community to support butterflies and moths
5.Overall, how has being part of the Big City Butterflies project benefited you or your family? 
6.Please tell us anything you have learnt, and if taking part in Big City Butterflies has changed how you feel about butterflies or moths
7.Is there anything that could be improved about the project, anything you would be particularly interested in learning more about or taking part in?
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered