Reviewing equality, diversity and inclusion in the sector

1.Which department do you work in?(Required.)
2.What is your level of seniority?(Required.)
3.In which band does your salary currently sit?(Required.)
4.What is your age?(Required.)
5.Which sex were you assigned at birth?(Required.)
6.How would you describe your gender identity?(Required.)
7.How would you describe your sexual orientation:(Required.)
8.Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.)(Required.)
9.What is your religious belief?(Required.)
10.Do you have a disability?:(Required.)
11.What is your level of education?:(Required.)
12.Have you had a career outside of the charity sector (for this we mean any job above entry-level)?:(Required.)
13.How accessible is your workplace for people with disabilities?(Required.)
14.How inclusive and diverse is your organisation in your opinion?:(Required.)
15.How diverse is your board of trustees?:(Required.)
16.How diverse is your senior management team?:(Required.)
17.How committed do you feel your organisation is to building an inclusive and diverse culture?:(Required.)
18.What policies does your organisation have in place to support diversity?:(Required.)
19.Does your organisation offer flexible working?(Required.)
20.Does your organisation offer career progression planning?(Required.)
21.Does your organisation offer staff forums?(Required.)
22.Does your organisation offer staff surveys?(Required.)