South Tyneside Outdoor Education Service- Simonside Outdoor Adventure

Customer Feedback Form

We hope that you enjoyed your time with us at Simonside Outdoor Adventure.
We would love to hear any thoughts, ideas and feedback that may help us improve what we do to make your next experience with us better.  If you are happy with what we offer, please let us know that too.
Some questions may not apply to your visit depending upon which activities you have done so please leave blank if that applies.
1.Let us know how you found...
Very Good
Information pre booking
Staff & Instruction
Equipment provided
Food provided
2.Did you feel aims & learning objectives were met?
3.Do you feel that all group members had an opportunity to participate equally?
4.Were participants able to learn new skills?
5.Was the learning/instruction pitched at the correct level?
6.Did the activities suit the needs of your group to facilitate learning and development?
7.Were teaching and learning aids/resources appropriate to the needs and ability of your group?
8.Do you have any other comments relating to your time with us?