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How are you coping in the current economic climate?

With inflation soaring, bill pressures rising and household budgets stretched, it’s far from an easy time to be in an industry that – historically – hasn’t paid as well as other similarly skilled professions.

We’d like to find out – in this completely anonymous survey – how the travel trade is making ends meet, with the aim of using the results to push for more support for those working in travel.

Question Title

* 1. On a scale of 1-10, how worried are you about being able to pay your bills this winter?

1 – not worried at all 5 – I'll get by one way or another 10 – it's my number one concern
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 2. Have you considered taking, or have you already already taken, an extra job to make ends meet?

0 of 10 answered