In order to open the school the Government has asked for us to seek the following information from the parents of pupils returning to school. Many thanks for your support with this.
Please can we ask that you fill this form in for each child who is returning to school. 

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* 1. What is the FULL name of your child

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* 2. What Year is your child in?

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* 3. Please confirm your full name. 

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* 4. For security purposes please could you confirm the date of birth of your child and the first line of your address.

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* 5. Is the pupil returning to school, clinically vulnerable?

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* 6. Is the pupil returning to school clinically extremely vulnerable?

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* 7. I confirm that my child will not be travelling either to or from school on public transport.

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* 8. I can confirm that the start of the school term does not conflict with any period of quarantine required due to a return from a foreign country not listed on the Government safe travel corridor list.

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* 9. I can confirm that, as a family, we will follow all instructions from NHS Track and Trace and will observe any mandatory period of isolation due to contact with a confrimed case of Covid-19

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* 10. I can confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, my child does not have any adverse reactions to hand soap or sanitiser.  

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* 11. If your child is anxious about returning to school and you think they would benefit from talking to a member of staff before returning to school please tick below.

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* 12. In returning my child to school, I/we confirm that we have read and agree to follow the guidance stated on the Return to School Parental Agreement.