How much do you know about Asset Management

In partnership with Asset Wisdom, we are asking our members to complete the short, anonymous survey to gain an understanding from Professionals of the current approach to Asset Management within your organisations. The survey will take less than 5 minutes to complete and will close at 5pm on Friday 2nd July. 
1.Which of the below options best describes who you work for?
2.How would you best summarise your current role?
3.Is Asset Management in your organisation?
4.How would you describe the level of knowledge and understanding of asset management in your organisation?
5.Does your organisation have a long-term plan 5-25 years for managing asset replacement ?
6.Does your organisation have a systematic approach for the recognition and management of asset-related risk including degradation with age?
7.Are Trust targets and performance criteria used for developing, justifying, and prioritising plans?
8.Would your organisation be able to justify existing plans and  projects in terms of delivering value, supported by evidence of asset information?
9.Do you consider the criticality, function and duty of assets when deciding the maintenance requirements?
10.Which of the following would best describe the care of assets in your organisation?
11.Would there be interest in your organisation at developing a practical framework for asset management in the health service, which would provide an efficient and effective basis for achieving best practice?
12.Would there be interest in your organisation for developing an online training programme to develop competence and capability in asset management in your organisation?
13.Would you have a personal interest in further developing your understanding and competency in Asset Management to enable you to improve your performance and that of your organisation?
14.Would there be interest in your organisation at developing a practical framework for asset management in the health service, which could provide an improved basis for better defining Backlog for the purposes of the definition of the Model Hospital?
15.Does your Organisation have a lifecycle plan for M&E assets linked to a recognised methodology such as SPONS, CIBSE Guide M or the NHS ‘A Risk Based Methodology for establishing and managing backlog’?
16.Does your Organisation include Whole life Costing when writing business cases for asset investment?
17.Does your Organisation have an asset change process available to internal teams and sub-contractors to track removal and installation of assets?
18.How accurate do you think your asset register is? 
19.Do you feel that your ERIC returns are based on justifiable and solid data?
20.Within your asset register, does your Organisation identify critical assets?
21.What maintenance methodology do you use to maintain your assets