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* 1. Which cocktail has the strongest alcohol content?

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* 2. How many people were treated in hospital for beach umbrella injuries between 2008 and 2017?

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* 3. Which of these can lead to a Herpes outbreak?

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* 4. Latex condoms are easily damaged if they come into contact with suntan lotion:

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* 5. Approximately what percentage of melanomas are thought to be caused by exposure to UV light and sunlight? 

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* 6. Which of these is not among the four most common contagious diseases on cruise ships?

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* 7. Can you catch certain STIs in a public pool?

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* 8. Exposure to tanning beds before 30 increases a person’s risk of developing melanoma by how much?

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* 9. Where is the most common site/s for melanoma in men?

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* 10. How many confirmed shark bites on humans were there worldwide in 2022?

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* 11. What shouldn't you do with a jellyfish sting?

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* 12. What is the top reason for medical repatriation among travellers? 

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* 13. Schistosomiasis is second only to Malaria as a public health problem in tropical and sub-tropical areas. What causes it?

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* 14. When do malaria mosquitoes feed?

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* 15. A good mosquito repellent should be applied every:

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* 16. Which of these tips wouldn't reduce your risk of shark bite?

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* 17. In the UK, what isn't recommended you should you do after a snake bite or suspected snake bite