Big LWN self care summer quiz Question Title * 1. Which cocktail has the strongest alcohol content? Mojito Hurricane Long Island Iced Tea Margarita Pina Colada Question Title * 2. How many people were treated in hospital for beach umbrella injuries between 2008 and 2017? 7,000 24,000 31,000 49,000 Question Title * 3. Which of these can lead to a Herpes outbreak? Bug bites Sun exposure Chlorine Flying Question Title * 4. Latex condoms are easily damaged if they come into contact with suntan lotion: True False Question Title * 5. Approximately what percentage of melanomas are thought to be caused by exposure to UV light and sunlight? 50% 60% 75% 90% Question Title * 6. Which of these is not among the four most common contagious diseases on cruise ships? Gastrointestinal illness Influenza MRSA Legionnaires’ disease Hepatitis A Question Title * 7. Can you catch certain STIs in a public pool? Yes No Question Title * 8. Exposure to tanning beds before 30 increases a person’s risk of developing melanoma by how much? 35% 55% 75% 95% Question Title * 9. Where is the most common site/s for melanoma in men? Scalp Ears Chest and back Arms and legs Question Title * 10. How many confirmed shark bites on humans were there worldwide in 2022? 16 89 149 257 Question Title * 11. What shouldn't you do with a jellyfish sting? Rinse the affected area with seawater Soak the area in very warm water Use vinegar on the sting Remove any spines from the skin Question Title * 12. What is the top reason for medical repatriation among travellers? Deep vein thrombosis Sunstroke Travellers’ diarrhoea Accidents Infected malaria bites Question Title * 13. Schistosomiasis is second only to Malaria as a public health problem in tropical and sub-tropical areas. What causes it? Ocelots Bougainvillea Flukes Goliath frogs Acacia leaves Question Title * 14. When do malaria mosquitoes feed? The few hours before dusk The few hours after dawn Between dusk and dawn Anytime if it is raining Question Title * 15. A good mosquito repellent should be applied every: 3 hours 6 hours 9 hours 12 hours Question Title * 16. Which of these tips wouldn't reduce your risk of shark bite? Avoid areas with known sewage Avoid bright coloured and or high contrasting clothing Swim where dolphins and porpoises are Avoid being in the water during low light hours Swim with a buddy Question Title * 17. In the UK, what isn't recommended you should you do after a snake bite or suspected snake bite? Call 999 or got to A&E immediately Keep the part of the body that was bitten still Lie in the recovery position if possible Try to catch the snake so you can identify it Done