Centre for Democracy & Peace Building Fellowship Project

Dear Colleague
Centre for Democracy & Peace Building Fellowship Project (CDPB): 
Aim, to increase the number of people from migrant and ethnic minority communities active in politics in NI by a minimum of 2% within the next 5 years.
The Fellowship Programme is an independent and non-partisan executive programme for political, business and civic leaders in Northern Ireland, formulated in response to the legacy of the Troubles and the complexity that has arisen in the world over the past few years with globalisation, Brexit and the COVID-19 pandemic.
A key tenet of the Fellowship is the reimagining of political and civic leadership in Northern Ireland. Towards this, a group of Programme Fellows is working on how we can increase representation from migrant and ethnic minority communities in NI politics.
A first step in this journey is receiving insights from the migrant and ethnic minority communities on the barriers that exist and the work that needs to be undertaken to increase their political representation.
We would be grateful if you could complete the attached short questionnaire by Monday 19th December 2022 so that the results can be processed and next steps identified. Results, once collated, will be made available to the MME Council and the Northern Ireland Local Government Association, and will be accessible from these contact points.
Please accept our thanks in anticipation of your co-operation in this important project. Do also feel free to share the questionnaire link with others. We welcome as many insights as possible.
This is a collaborative Fellowship Programme Project in conjunction with the CDPB.
Yours faithfully,
Project Group
Centre for Democracy & Peace Building Fellowship

Question Title

* 1. Are you responding to this survey as:

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* 2. Which statement best describes your own attitude towards participation in NI politics?

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* 3. Which statement best describes what have you observed of the majority of those in your community towards NI politics?

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* 4. How satisfied are you and/or your community with the NI electoral process?

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* 5. If you indicated unsatisfied or very unsatisfied above, please rank the statements below in order of the most unsatisfied being 1 and least unsatisfied being 7

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* 6. If you chose Other for the previous question please elaborate here

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* 7. How confident are you/ your community in standing for election (for council, Assembly, Westminster) in NI?