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* 1. Thinking about S1-3: 

a)    How well do you feel your child/ren settled into secondary school?

b)    What was your impression of the S1 – 3 years?

c)    Did you have a clear sense of what CfE level they had reached by the end of S3 before they moved into the Senior Phase and qualifications?

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* 2. What was your experience of helping your child/ren choose their options for the Senior Phase?

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* 3.  (a) What sense did you have of your child/ren’s progress in those subjects in S4 initially, then in S5 and in S6?

(b)    How did you gather information about what each subject would involve each year?

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* 4. (a)   Did you feel the demands on them increased – reasonably? – as they moved through the school? Was this for all subjects?

(b)  Were there any big jumps between levels in some subjects?

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* 5. At the end of their school career, or at this point in their school career, are your child/ren’s results broadly in line with what you expected?

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* 6. Parents try to be as supportive and informed as possible for their child/ren.

a)    Have you used the SQA website – what are your views on it?

b)    What other places do you go for information?

c)    If a friend asked you about her daughter, “How can I support Sarah in this S4 year?” what advice would you give?

Are there any other things schools or the SQA could be doing which would help?

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* 7. N1 – N4 courses are designed not to have an examination at the end of the course. We have been asking teachers and pupils about this and had some interesting replies.

a)    What is your view?

b)    What do you think an employer’s view is?

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* 8. The report “Developing Scotland’s Young Workforce” was trying to identify better routes for young people- into college or training or work, not just staying in school or going to university. How aware are you of what is available in your area and would you say all of these options are valued equally?

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* 9. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about your experience of the new National Qualifications or any other SQA qualifications?