What is Vital Signs ?

Vital Signs 2016 is part of a project which the Community Foundation has been running since 2015. Vital Signs brings together existing research and social data about Calderdale alongside community consultation to highlight our strengths, map trends and identify areas for improvement.

What is the Community Foundation?
The Community Foundation is an independent charity working for and at the heart of Calderdale. They connect people and resources to projects and ideas to create positive change and long-term solutions for communities. You can learn more about them here: www.cffc.co.uk

Purpose of this survey
The aim of the Vital Signs survey is to find out what people living in Calderdale think and have to say about different aspects of their community.

How will the information collected by the survey be used?
Data collected by the survey will be aggregated, and summaries of the results will be included in the Vital Signs report 2016, alongside other sources of data and information that have been collated for the project. You can view previous Vital Signs reports here: www.cffc.co.uk/vitalsigns

Survey feedback
An anonymised summary of the overall research findings will be available to you at the end of the study, through the Vital Signs report.

Privacy policy
All information collected will be completely anonymous and you will not be identified in any report or publication resulting from this survey. Any identifying information will remain confidential.

Voluntary participation
Taking part in this survey is entirely voluntary. If you decide to take part, you are free to withdraw at any time without having to give a reason and without negative consequence.

Questions, comments or complaints
If you have any questions, comments or complaints about this survey, Vital Signs or about the Community Foundation we would be very happy to answer them. Please contact Emma on 01422349700 or email Emma@cffc.co.uk

Question Title

* 1. As a grant making Foundation we invest in our community by awarding grants to charitable organisations, community groups and individuals in crisis. 
Where do you think the greatest need is for philanthropy / charitable investment in your local community?