CAMERA - EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST The new emergency response and recovery volunteer team in Camden and Hammersmith & Fulham Could you help in an Emergency? We are looking for local people, businesses and organisations with skills, experience and donations of items and space to be able to help in a time of an emergency.The experience of the Grenfell tragedy and the Chalcots Estate evacuation showed that there were people with useful skills and experience (eg counselling) who offered to volunteer but were not allowed to help as they were not known to the local authority dealing with the situation. To help with this, the new CAMERA (Coordinating And Mobilising Emergency Response Activists) Emergency Response & Recovery Volunteer team will enable local people who have useful skills and experience to be known and trusted to the local authority and so can be called upon in the event of an emergency.We are now asking for expressions of interest from local people who live or work in Camden and/or Hammersmith & Fulham who would be interested in volunteering in an emergency. The short expression of interest form will only take a few minutes to complete. Good to know: CAMERA is being delivered by two charities [Volunteer Centre Camden (VCC) and Hammersmith & Fulham Volunteer Centre (HFVC)] which are coordinating the CAMERA project including the recruitment, induction and training of all the volunteers. You can read more about the CAMERA project on the VCC website. If you have any questions about this new project or want to know more before expressing an interest, email us on Question Title * 1. Are you an INDIVIDUAL with an interest in CAMERA? Yes No Next