CECA New Entrants Survey

In 2015, CECA ran a 7-day programme for new entrants aimed at Civil Engineering Graduates and Technicians designed to equip them with an appreciation of common civil engineering site activities.  Since then, CECA Southern and CECA South West have received a number of requests to repeat the programme.  So, we have begun to explore the feasibility of rolling out a new version and are seeking your views about how the programme could be structured and what content you feel should be included.

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* 1. Please enter your name

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* 2. Job Title

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* 3. Company

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* 4. E-mail address

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* 5. Mobile phone

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* 6. How many new entrants do you recruit per year?

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* 7. How many places on this programme would you be likely to want per year?

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* 8. The following 8 modules were developed for the original New Entrant Programme (Should you wish to see the course outlines, please contact BrionyWickenden@ceca.co.uk).  Please indicate which of these modules should be included in the core programme and which could be optional additional modules, and add any additional modules you think are missing:

  Core Optional Not required
M1 Concrete Awareness
M2 Levelling & Setting Out
M3 Safe Working with Excavations
M4 Commercial Awareness
M5 Planning & Programming
M6 Working with Plant & Equipment in Construction
M7 Formwork Awareness
M8 Steel-fixing Awareness

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* 9. Please add up to five other options

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* 10. Do you have anyone within your team who would be willing to help develop or review the contents of any of these modules?

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* 11. Should the programme include a residential element when conditions allow?

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* 12. Do you think there are elements of the programme that could be delivered virtually?

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* 13. Are there any other considerations we should take into account?