Practice Fee survey |
The CLC is wholly funded by the profession and through the profession by consumers. We have always tried to keep the cost of regulation as low as possible. Since 2016 we have reduced the Practice Fee contribution rates by an effective 61% and the Compensation Fund Contributions by 60%. We have also worked hard to keep our costs as low as possible and reduced operational spend wherever we could.
This year, for the first time since 2009 we have seen the aggregate practice turnover fall by 4%. This means that the revenue we receive from Practice Fees will also decrease. The CLC runs a very lean organisation and we have little scope to absorb this loss of revenue without compromising our ability to regulate effectively. This would be to no-one’s benefit and not something that can be contemplated. At the same time, we are seeing increased demand on our resources, from stakeholders and other regulators, including increase in the levies charged, which is going to necessitate taking steps to increase our capacity over the next few years.
Why this consultation is important
Because the CLC is funded by the Practices and Individuals that we regulate, it is important that they and other stakeholders have an opportunity to review and comment on the source and application of the funding to ensure the burden on Practice and Individuals is kept to a minimum and that the organisation has sufficient resources to execute its statutory objectives.
Responding to this consultation
The CLC will publish all responses and may refer to any of them specifically in any further document it publishes following this consultation. If you wish your response to be treated as confidential, please let us know when you respond.