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Introduction to the survey

Early on in the pandemic, it became apparent that people with obesity were more likely to experience complications and death due to COVID-19, and at younger ages. COVID-19 has also shown that a societal, worldwide response to a disease is possible. The pandemic has exposed the imperative to address other global challenges such as obesity. The evolving evidence therefore provides a new urgency – and inspiration – for political and collective action.

One year since the start of the pandemic, we will collect further information and build a global picture of what has changed at a national level, both in terms of the effects that COVID-19 has had on obesity services and people living with obesity, as well as in how governments have responded to the evidence that obesity increases the likelihood of worse outcomes in the case of illness from COVID-19. Furthermore, we would like to identify some of the lessons learned to better support national governments’ recovery from COVID-19 as well as to prepare for future health challenges.

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* 1. In which country do you live/work?

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* 2. Is there a national obesity strategy in place in your country?

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* 3. If Yes please provide details and implementation date

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* 4. Does your government have a national plan/guidance on COVID-19?

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* 5. Has obesity been included within these plans/guidance?

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* 6. Do you think your government has done enough to recognise the link between obesity & COVID-19 as part of its COVID-19 response?

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* 7. Please explain what exactly has your government done to recognise this link?

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* 8. Please explain what exactly has your government failed to do to recognise this link?

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* 9. Are you aware of any disruption to treatment and/or care for people living with obesity due to the COVID-19 pandemic?

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* 10. Has COVID-19 had an impact on national policy actions in your country over the past year?

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* 11. What actions have been taken and what are some of the lessons that can be learned?

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* 12. Have you noticed any permanent changes to how obesity is managed in your country’s health system, including obesity prevention?

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* 13. If you have noticed changes, are these positive changes?

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