1. Careerpilot Feedback

The Western Vocational Progression Consortium (WVPC) values your feedback and will use it to help improve the Careerpilot site. The survey will take about 4-5 minutes.

Question Title

* 1. What is the name of your school/college?

Question Title

* 2. Tell us what you think of the Careerpilot website in general?

  Agree strongly Agree Disagree Disagree strongly
Easy to use
Like all careers information in one place
Like the design
Like the layout
Would recommend to a friend
Will use again in the future

Question Title

* 3. What did you think of the different parts of Careerpilot?

  Very useful Quite useful Not useful Haven't used
The Job Quiz
The job profiles will lots of details about a job
Qualification ladder
Skills Profile
Start with a subject and see where it could lead
Start with something I value and see where it could lead
Starting with your personality - the Buzz Quiz
Career Tools - where you can save your choices
Course Search for degree courses
Course search for apprenticeship vacancies
Find a Provider tool

Question Title

* 4. What did you learn from Careerpilot?

  Learnt a lot of new information Learnt a little new information Didn't learn anything new Didn't look at this
About my range of choices
About my own preferences and what jobs they could take me on to
About a job and how to get in to it
About A Levels
About apprenticeships.
About vocational qualifications.
About higher education (uni level)
That there are lots of different routes into higher level study
About financial support.
About the range of providers offering post 16/18 courses, including at a higher level.
That uni level could be a choice for me
That achieving the best qualifications I can will give me more choices in working life

Question Title

* 5. Do you think Careerpilot meets its planned aims for all student users?

  Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly Can't comment
Provide young people with information about the full range of choices
Provide young people with information about the many routes to university level study
Provide up to date information about courses and careers
Provide young people with information of the many ways into a job
Provide information that is relevant
Provide information in an easy to understand way
Provide information which is impartial and shows a range of possible routes & providers

Question Title

* 6. Which of these best describes you?

Question Title

* 7. If you are a student in Y7 - Y12/13 do you think Careerpilot helped you learn these things - just answer the question for your current year group?

  Agree Strongly Agree Disagree Disagree Strongly Can't comment
Year 7: Careerpilot helped me understand more about jobs that might suit me
Year 7: Careerpilot has helped me see that some jobs are growing and the reasons why
Year 7: Careerpilot has helped me start to learn more about the pathways I can choose when I am 16
Year 8: Careerpilot has helped me explore jobs that link with my interests
Year 8. Careerpilot has helped me assess the skills I have and think of skills I could develop further
Year 8: Careerpilot has helped me see which skills will be useful in different jobs
Year 9: Careerpilot has given me ideas of future jobs/courses linked to a subject I could study at GCSE
Year 9: Careerpilot has helped me learn more about the pathways and qualifications I can do at 16
Year 9: Careerpilot has help me make more informed decisions about which GCSE subjects I might do
Year 9: Careerpilot has helped me think more about which pathway I might choose when I am 16
Year 10: Careerpilot has helped me explore a range of jobs that might suit me
Year 10: Careerpilot has helped me understand the post 16 pathways I can choose and how to get into them
Year 10: Careerpilot has helped me see the benefits of doing work experience
Year 11: Careerpilot has helped me decide the best pathway to take at 16 to fit with my future plans
Year 11: Careerpilot has helped me identify the skills I have that will be useful in future study/work
Year 11: Careerpilot has helped me understand what I need to do to move onto my next and future pathway
Year 11: Careerpilot has helped me start to learn more about the pathways I can take when I am 18
Year 12/13: Careerpilot has helped me understand more about the skills I have
Year 12/13: Careerpilot has helped me understand more about jobs and routes into them
Year 12/13: Careerpilot has helped me learn more about the different routes I can take when I am 18
Year 12/13: Careerpilot has helped me understand the different types of higher level study routes I can take
Year 12/13: Careerpilot has helped me understand what I need to do to move onto my next and future pathway

Question Title

* 8. When thinking about how prepared you are for your future career which of the following has Careerpilot helped you with? (you can tick more than one box)

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* 9. If there is something about the website you didn't like tell us how we can make it better

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* 10. Please provide a quote about how Careerpilot has been useful to you.

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* 11. How did you use Careerpilot?

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* 12. Has anybody in your close family been to university e.g mother, father, brother, sister?

Question Title

* 14. If you would like to be entered for the prize draw for the £20 voucher then please provide your email address.
Your email address will only be used to contact you if you win. You will not be contacted for any other reason and your email address will not be used for any other purpose.

Thanks for providing your feedback.