North Belfast Lantern Festival 2017 - Evaluation Question Title * 1. What did you like / dislike about the event? Question Title * 2. What other types of events would you like to see in your area? Question Title * 3. Overall, how would you rate the event? Brilliant Good OK Not my cup of tea Question Title * 4. Please rate the following: 1 Not Willing at all 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Very Willing Before attending the event, how willing were you to attend events in Alexandra Park? Before attending the event, how willing were you to attend events in Alexandra Park? 1 Not Willing at all Before attending the event, how willing were you to attend events in Alexandra Park? 2 Before attending the event, how willing were you to attend events in Alexandra Park? 3 Before attending the event, how willing were you to attend events in Alexandra Park? 4 Before attending the event, how willing were you to attend events in Alexandra Park? 5 Before attending the event, how willing were you to attend events in Alexandra Park? 6 Before attending the event, how willing were you to attend events in Alexandra Park? 7 Before attending the event, how willing were you to attend events in Alexandra Park? 8 Very Willing Having attended the event, how willing are you now to attend events in Alexandra Park? Having attended the event, how willing are you now to attend events in Alexandra Park? 1 Not Willing at all Having attended the event, how willing are you now to attend events in Alexandra Park? 2 Having attended the event, how willing are you now to attend events in Alexandra Park? 3 Having attended the event, how willing are you now to attend events in Alexandra Park? 4 Having attended the event, how willing are you now to attend events in Alexandra Park? 5 Having attended the event, how willing are you now to attend events in Alexandra Park? 6 Having attended the event, how willing are you now to attend events in Alexandra Park? 7 Having attended the event, how willing are you now to attend events in Alexandra Park? 8 Very Willing Question Title * 5. Please rate the following: 1 Very Negative 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Very Positive Before attending the event, how did you feel about people from a different community background? Before attending the event, how did you feel about people from a different community background? 1 Very Negative Before attending the event, how did you feel about people from a different community background? 2 Before attending the event, how did you feel about people from a different community background? 3 Before attending the event, how did you feel about people from a different community background? 4 Before attending the event, how did you feel about people from a different community background? 5 Before attending the event, how did you feel about people from a different community background? 6 Before attending the event, how did you feel about people from a different community background? 7 Before attending the event, how did you feel about people from a different community background? 8 Very Positive Having attended the event, how do now you feel about people from a different community background? Having attended the event, how do now you feel about people from a different community background? 1 Very Negative Having attended the event, how do now you feel about people from a different community background? 2 Having attended the event, how do now you feel about people from a different community background? 3 Having attended the event, how do now you feel about people from a different community background? 4 Having attended the event, how do now you feel about people from a different community background? 5 Having attended the event, how do now you feel about people from a different community background? 6 Having attended the event, how do now you feel about people from a different community background? 7 Having attended the event, how do now you feel about people from a different community background? 8 Very Positive Question Title * 6. Any further feedback? Question Title * 7. What is your community background? Catholic Protestant Prefer not to say Other (please specify) Question Title * 8. If you would like to enter the competition to win a £50 Tesco Voucher - please add your name and phone number. Done