Question Title

* 2. Forename:

Question Title

* 3. Surname:

Question Title

* 4. Preferred Contact Number:

Question Title

* 5. Preferred Email Address:

Question Title

* 7. COURSE DETAILS - Please select the course(s) / programme you would like to enrol on.

Question Title

Can your online examination be facilitated by your employer?

Question Title

* 9. Job role:

Question Title

* 10. Time working in a quality role:

Question Title

* 11. Please state your highest qualification (this may be outside of your current role).

Question Title

* 12. SUPPORTING INFORMATION - Please provide a brief overview of your current role and responsibilities relating to quality, any previous experience within a quality role, details of any quality training / qualifications and your reasons for studying.

Question Title

* 15. COMPANY INFORMATION (if applicable)

Question Title

* 16. PROGRESS UPDATES - If your course is sponsored by your organisation we can provide quarterly progress updates to a named individual. If you’d like us to do so, please provide the following information:

Question Title

* 18. Invoice Address (Street):

Question Title

* 19. Invoice Address (Town):

Question Title

* 20. Invoice Postcode:

Question Title

* 21. How did you hear about rove's quality management courses?

Question Title


Applications will be reviewed prior to enrolment being confirmed.

Course Fees
Course fees payable shall be as shown on our website and/or brochure and/or notified to you by a rove representative. All amounts are payable in pounds sterling and exclude VAT. rove may change course fees at any time without notice. Changes will not affect orders which have already accepted.

Course fees are inclusive of:
· A dedicated tutor who will provide support and guidance throughout the course.
· An account for our learning management system.
· Course learning, assessment (note: this includes two exam attempts for practitioner courses) and study support materials. Please note: the ISO 9001 standard and ISO 9000 are not provided for FD116.
· CQI registration and certification.

Where a delegate enrols on all courses, at any level, a 10% discount will be applied.

Payment Terms
Payment is due 30 days from the invoice date. Payment is required before access to course materials is provided.

Refunds, Credits and Transfers
No fee refunds, credits or transfers will be made once the purchase has been completed. Exceptions may be permitted for delegates who have extenuating circumstances (e.g., illness, maternity/paternity leave, civil unrest). In a situation such as this, a case should be submitted to rove detailing the extenuating circumstances. Cases will be reviewed and determined on a case-by case basis.

Starting the Course
On receipt of payment, rove will provide tutor details, system access and induction arrangements. The delegate is expected to respond as soon as possible but within 14 working days. If the delegate does not confirm arrangements for the course induction with 28 working days they will be withdrawn from the course.

The date of induction is the date reported to the CQI as the official start date.

Course Duration and Assessment Requirements

Foundation Level Courses
· Expected course duration: 4 - 8 weeks. Maximum: 6 months.
· Assessment requirements: Workbook completion.

The Foundation Certificate in Quality Management
· Expected duration: 28 - 56 weeks. Maximum: 3 years.
· Assessment requirements: Workbook completion (for all 7 courses).

Practitioner Level Courses
· Expected course duration: 10 - 16 weeks (including examination). Maximum: 6 months.
· Assessment requirements: Workbook completion and CQI-set exam.

The Practitioner Certificate in Quality Management
· Expected duration: 80 - 128 weeks (including examinations). Maximum: 3 years.
· Assessment requirements: Workbook completion and CQI-set exams (for all 8 courses).

Professional Level Courses
· Expected course duration: 10 - 16 weeks. Maximum: 6 months.
· Assessment requirements: Workbook completion.

The Professional Certificate in Quality Management
· Expected duration: 60 - 96 weeks weeks. Maximum: 3 years.
· Assessment requirements: Workbook completion (for all 6 courses).

All courses
You are expected to maintain progress on the course/s and meet your planned date. If you exceed the 6 month, maximum course duration, your CQI registration will end. You can re-register for the course however will have to meet the course minimum learning hours and additional fees will apply. If undertaking the Foundation, Practitioner or Professional Certificate you must complete all courses within the 3-year maximum duration.

Please read the next page and give your consent to rove contacting you and sharing the neccessary information with the CQI and IRCA. If you do not agree, we will be unable to support you with these courses.