Crossroads Community Hub is a local charity aiming to improve the social and economic regeneration of the Crossroads area of East Ayrshire.

Our vision is to turn this area into a vibrant, economically viable community with a hub at its heart where the inclusion of residents, food and links to farming are the central focus.

Good progress is being made and, as part of our commitment to active community engagement, we are carrying out this consultation to make sure that we are reaching and listening to local people. Your views are important as they will help to shape the continued development of the project and the services we offer to the community. Please help us by taking a few minutes to complete this survey.

All information is gathered in confidence. 

Questionnaires completed online are collected automatically. Please return paper copies of the completed surveys to Jan Hay, Coordinator, 15 West Main Street Darvel KA17 0DX. We are being assisted by Community Enterprise so, if you need any help or clarification, please call Pamela on 07989 923 260 or email

Question Title

* 1. Are you answering this survey as.....?

Question Title

* 2. On a scale of 1 to 5, how would you rate East Ayrshire as a place to live? (with 1 being "I hate it" to 5 being "I love it")

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* 3. What do you like best about the area?

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* 4. If anything, what do you feel is missing from the area? (Please tick all that apply)

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* 5. Which of these activities would you like to see in the Hub? (please rank in order of priority 1 - most important, 8 - least important).

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* 6. If there were additional educational facilities on site, which would you use?

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* 7. What areas of interest do you have?

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* 8. What would prevent you taking part in activities at the Hub?

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* 9. Are you involved in any organisations or activities that might be interested in working with us?

Question Title

* 10. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements? "Developing the Crossroads Hub as a community asset will..."

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
Bring the community together
Improve the economic and environmental outlook of the area
Provide greater access to opportunities to learn new skills
Reduce rural isolation
Allow more people to actively engage in shaping the future of our community

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* 11. We would be grateful if you could share the following information with us - are you?

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* 12. Please tick the appropriate age bracket:

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* 13. The Hub is a community led initiative and needs local input. Would you be willing to help with the development of The Crossroads Community Hub?

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* 14. Many thanks for taking the time to complete this survey.

If you have any other comments, please add them in the box below.

All answers are anonymous. However, if you wish to be kept informed about developments, please leave your contact details in the box below.