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Feedback suggests that the majority of Non-profit Organisations do not issue equity instruments (eg shares) and therefore do not have holders of equity claims.

In the absence of owners’ equity, the net assets (residual interest) are held in trust for those that benefit from the NPO’s mission.  However, in the rare cases where an NPO does have equity instruments, it is less clear what the holders of equity claims are actually entitled to, and whether they have any rights to the net assets of the NPO.

Purpose of survey
Please take this survey only if you are aware of a specific NPO or NPOs that do have some type of equity. The purpose of this survey is to gather factual information about transactions that NPOs consider to be equity claims.
Below are a series of questions that are intended to help identify the characteristics of equity claims and their potential use in the NPO sector. 

Question Title

* 1. Name

Question Title

* 2. Email address

Question Title

* 3. Country

Question Title

* 4. What is the purpose of the equity? Tick any that apply

Question Title

* 5. What legal forms can the equity take? Tick any that apply

Question Title

* 6. Other than convertible debt, are there any types of debt issued that can be considered equity because of the rights provided? If yes, please provide details below

Question Title

* 7. Can the equity be issued at any of the following points?

  Yes No
at the start of the NPO's life (seed funding)?
at any point?
at specific points, e.g. merger of 2 NPOs?

Question Title

* 8. Limitations on the provision of equity

  Yes No Not sure
Do the NPO's governing documents prohibit the issue of equity?
Do the NPO's governing documents limit who can hold equity?
Does a regulatory body limit who can hold equity?

Question Title

* 9. Trading, swapping & redeeming equity.

  Yes No Not sure
Can the equity be traded or swapped?
Can the equity be redeemed, limited to the amount originally provided?
Can the equity be redeemed at an amount other than the original contribution?

Question Title

* 10. What do the equity claims provide?

  Yes No
An entitlement to distributions?
A share of net assets if the NPO ceases and its net assets are not transferred to another NPO?
Return of initial contribution if NPO ceases to function?
Another entitlement not listed?

Question Title

* 11. Is the amount of equity material to NPO net assets?

Question Title

* 12. Do you agree the following are NOT equity claims ?

  I agree I disagree Not sure
Funds held in trusts
Endowment funds
Custodial assets to be returned upon the cessation of the NPO
Funds with restrictions (as defined in INPAG Section 2)
Externally provided guarantees over financing or other activities?

Question Title

* 13. Are there any other comments or circumstances in your jurisdiction, relating to equity, that you would like to highlight?