Thanks for your feedback!

We'll use it to understand your experience of engaging with Charity Digital Skills Report (including the associated survey and dissemination activities), if it has helped you in any way and how we might improve it. As a reminder, you can read the report on our website.

Everything you tell us on this form is completely confidential and anonymous. You can opt in to provide a case study, we will not use your contact details for any other purposes, inline with our privacy policy.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes you or your organisation’s main role in the sector?

Question Title

* 2. Have you engaged with the Charity Digital Skills Report in any of the following ways? (tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 3. Has the Charity Digital Skills Report helped you or your work in any way? Can you tell us how you have used the Charity Digital Skills report, survey or findings? 

Question Title

* 4. What motivated you to do this? What were you looking to understand, learn or do?

Question Title

* 5. Has the survey or report supported you or your organisation in any of the following ways?

  Strongly agree  Agree Neither / Not applicable Disagree Strongly disagree
To Inform my work / reflect on our work internally
To make the case for change in my organisation / sector
To learn about good practice / what I should be thinking about
To understand challenges, funding and support needs across the sector
To support funding bids or the case for more internal resource
To benchmark our digital skills and compare to others

Question Title

* 6. On a scale of 0 to 10, how likely are you to recommend the report or survey to a colleague or others in your sector?

0 (not at all likely) 5 10 (extremely likely)
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 7. Tell us what you think about the survey or report!  Please give us any feedback you have, positive or negative, as well as any ideas to make it better for you / others.

Question Title

* 8. Would you like to sign up to take part in future user testing or consultation to inform what we ask in future surveys? If so, please provide your details (name, organisation name and email address) here. If you want to sign up to our mailing list for news and updates, please use this form.