Coronavirus and Mental Health Support - Your Experiences

The Independent Mental Health Network wants to hear from you about how the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is impacting you. 

We are doing this so that we can raise issues with commissioners of local services and service providers. 

No identifiable data will be shared beyond IMHN. We will provide a summary report to local decision makers. For a copy of IMHN's privacy policy, click here. If you have any questions about this survey, please email us.
Where are you based?(Required.)
Which of the below options best describes you? Please tick all that apply.(Required.)
Please rate the following statements based on your experiences of the last few weeks.
Not at all
Not very
Fully agree
I have been able to access mental health support.
I have found that information about mental health support is readily available. 
I feel confident that mental health support could be accessed if it was needed urgently.
I have been able to access support about finances.
I have been able to get advice or support about accessing benefits.
I have been able to access support or advice about housing.
Please tell us to what extent the following issues have impacted your wellbeing within the last few weeks.
Not at all
Not very
A bit
Loss of employment or change in employment status
Access to benefits
Housing situation
Domestic violence
Contact with social or support networks
Change to, or lack of, normal routine
Pressure to adjust work / life balance
Access to prescription / medication
Access to food
Access to transport for essential travel
Social distancing measures introduced by the Government
News reporting (for example; newspapers, TV, radio, online news, etc)
Social media (for example; Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, etc)
Please tell us about any experiences you have had trying to access mental health support within the last few weeks. 
What could have helped or assisted you in accessing mental health support?
Have you found that an organisation, service, or website has been particularly helpful?

If so, please tell us about it, and your experiencing of using it.
Is there anything else that you would like to tell us?(Required.)