Equal Opportunities Monitoring and Evaluation 

Craft Scotland is committed to offering clear and accessible application processes and programmes that are open to everyone. Craft Scotland puts equality at the heart of its activity, and we aim to acknowledge and reflect the diversity in Scotland today in all our work. 

To monitor the participants that take part in all our activities including exhibitions and events, we need to collect particular information. We include questions on age, gender, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation - defined ‘protected characteristics’ in The Equality Act 2010. 

It is important that you provide this information to assist Craft Scotland’s reporting in line with the above act and to help us to improve our services. In providing your completed response, you are giving explicit consent for us to use this data for statistical reporting. The data is managed confidentially, is not personally attributable and is processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act.

If you do not know some of the information or if you prefer not to provide it, you can fill in the 'Prefer not to answer' box.

Question Title

* 1. Please indicate your age at your last birthday

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* 2. Please indicate your gender

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate which best describes your ethnic group or background.

Question Title

* 4. Do you have any of the following conditions which have lasted, or are expected to last, at least 12 months?

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* 5. Please indicate your sexual orientation

Thank you for completing this monitoring form. All information gathered will remain confidential.