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Creative Crieff is an exciting new community group aiming to develop music, film and the creative arts opportunities in the area.

The ambition is to create a vibrant and beautiful arts complex housing a 2 or 3 screen cinema, a sound studio, rehearsal spaces, community radio station, community book and music store and other retail. An important aspect of the project will be outreach programmes connecting with other community groups and spaces to make the most of what the area has to offer.

The project will be geared towards creating opportunities for young people but will be open and encourage intergenerational participation and involvement.
Phase 1 of the feasibility work (‘the outline business case’) has been completed so we know the project will be viable and self-sustaining. Creative Crieff is now seeking the views of local residents and visitors to confirm support and demand for the project on the ground.

We would love to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey.  Your responses will help inform how the project develops. 

This work is being delivered independently by Community Enterprise. All information gathered will be kept confidential. Paper copies of the survey can be obtained from the Strathearn Campus Library or Crieff Succeeds Office at Crieff Town Hall, 33 High Street. The survey can also be accessed online at . All survey responses (including those collected on paper) are recorded on Survey Monkey whose privacy policy can be viewed here: Community Enterprise's privacy policy can be viewed here:


Question Title

* 1. Are you answering this survey as...? (Please tick all that apply)

Question Title

* 2. Are you...?

  Under 16 17-21 yrs 22-30yrs 31-45 yrs 46-65 yrs 66-75 yrs 75+ Prefer not to say
Prefer not to say

Question Title

* 3. If you are completing this survey on behalf of your family, please indicate how many people are in your family, NOT including you.

  1 2 3 4 5 or more
Children under 5 yrs
Children 6-12 yrs
Young people 13-16 yrs
Young adults 17-21 yrs
Adults 21+

Question Title

* 4. If you are answering on behalf of a group, please tell us about the group, otherwise please skip ahead.

0 of 20 answered