Dear Member,
Thank you for taking the time to complete Honiton RFCs Annual Self Assessment 2018.
Our annual self assessment is one way the management committee interacts with the wider membership of HRFC at the midway point between our AGMs. The questionnaire is open for 4 weeks, between January 15th 2018 and February 12th 2018 which we encourage as many members to take part in as possible.
Results will be presented at the March Management Committee Meeting, with the annual report and recommendations being published once agreed by the management committee at the April Management Committee Meeting.
The results of this survey will inform the priorities of the management committee for the following year and a summary can of what we have done in the last 12 months can be found on the next page.
The Questionnaire:
There are 8 sections each containing 5 questions of multiple choice.
We have added comment boxes at the end of the questionnaire for you to add additional information.
The survey should take less than 10 minutes to complete.
Thank you for your time.