Carer Short Breaks About your current position Question Title * 1. Please tell us the main areas of concern/issues for you?(Please tick all that apply) Unable to leave the house due to shielding Can’t get any time to yourself as parent/carer Feel socially isolated from other people Child/young person feeling bored/feeling anxious/unhappy Relationships becoming strained Other If other, please specify. Question Title * 2. What would help you and your family?(Please tick all that apply) Things for all the family Things for you as a parent Things for your child(ren) Other If other, please specify. Question Title * 3. What do you feel are the main barriers you are experiencing?(Please tick all that apply) Coming up with ideas Materials to be able to do things (such as arts and crafts, baking) Access to technology No social networks Unsure what is going on to take part in Other If other, please specify. Question Title * 4. Please tell us how we could help you?(Please tick all that apply) Share ideas with you for things to do at your leisure Signpost you to what is going on that may be of interest to you Produce a timetable of things you can take part in from the home Provide opportunities to socialise with others Other If other, please specify. Question Title * 5. What is the best way to do this?(Please tick all that apply) Sending you emails On Social media Sending you texts Online on a website for you to access Regular newsletters Other If other, please specify. Question Title * 6. Can you tell us what platforms you access for communication?(Please tick all that apply) Making Changes Together SENDIASS Children and Young People's Network Durham County Carers Support Other If other, please specify. Question Title * 7. How will increased opportunities and information for you and your families help you?(Please tick all that apply) Bring you closer as a family and improve family relationships Improve your child’s mental health and wellbeing Prevent family needs from escalating Reduce social isolation Reduce your stress levels as a parent/carer Reduction of anxiety for everyone Support your child and family to recover from the impact of COVID-19 Other If other, please specify. Done