Searching for Serenity - Feedback and follow up - corporate or organisations

Thank you for booking me to provide training for your organisation.  To help me gauge my training moving forward, learn and grow and deliver better work, and help other people understand what it's like to engage me, please can you answer the following questions as honestly as possible?

1.What is your name and organisation?
2.Did the training delivery meet your expectations? (5 = excellent, 3 = fine, 1 = unsatisfactory)(Required.)
3.How was the content itself (information and resources, slides and workbooks) (5 = excellent, 3 = fine, 1 = unsatisfactory)(Required.)
4.Was Leah/Searching for Serenity easy to engage and deal with? (5 = excellent, 3 = fine, 1 = unsatisfactory)(Required.)
5.Do you feel your training session offered good value for money? (5 = excellent, 3 = fine, 1 = unsatisfactory)(Required.)
6.What didn't go so well or could have been improved by Leah/Searching for Serenity (please be honest, it's iterative growth)(Required.)
7.Would you (or have you already) recommended working with Leah/Searching for Serenity to a friend or colleague?(Required.)
8.Would you be prepared to provide a testimonial/feedback that I can use publicly to advertise upcoming sessions? If so please complete below.

I will return to you for sign off before sharing any testimonial publicly
9.Is there anything else you would like me to know?