Volunteer Recognition 2023 – Nominations Open |
It has been another extraordinary year for volunteering across the diocese, particularly with increasing community need driven by the current 'cost of living crisis' and ongoing international situation. We want to celebrate and recognise the effort volunteers have made across the Archdiocese of Cardiff in the last 12 months.
You now have the chance to say a big thank you to those special people who go above and beyond in their efforts to help church and community. Give them the recognition they deserve by making your nomination and encouraging others to get involved. Closing date: 7th June 2023 https://volunteersweek.org/about-volunteers-week/
Categories for Recognition - one per nomination
• Young People (up to 25 years) – recognising the contribution of young people from school, college, university, employment and beyond.
• Volunteer Individual (25 and over) – recognising the contribution of individuals.
• Volunteer Team – recognising teams with a particular focus.
• Specialist Volunteers – Health & Safety; Safeguarding; Fundraising, Heritage. Celebrating those who take on roles with distinct responsibilities. Open to any area of specialism.
• Emergency Voluntary Response – recognising swift direct action in many forms responding to community need, aid work, flooding and other emergencies.
• Lifetime Volunteer - recognising those that have always been at the forefront of church and community life.
Reach: Open to all voluntary and charitable work associated with the Archdiocese of Cardiff.
Recognition: All nominees will be recognised for their valuable volunteer contribution.
Support & Enquiries: Gareth Simpson, Volunteer & Project Manager gareth.simpson@rcadc.org. Hard copy version available.