A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for leisure)
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for leisure) A lot more
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for leisure) A bit more
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for leisure) Neither more nor less
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for leisure) A bit less
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for leisure) A lot less
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for leisure) Don't know
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for leisure) N/A
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for travel)
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for travel) A lot more
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for travel) A bit more
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for travel) Neither more nor less
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for travel) A bit less
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for travel) A lot less
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for travel) Don't know
A walk lasting at least 10 minutes (for travel) N/A
Cycling for leisure
Cycling for leisure A lot more
Cycling for leisure A bit more
Cycling for leisure Neither more nor less
Cycling for leisure A bit less
Cycling for leisure A lot less
Cycling for leisure Don't know
Cycling for leisure N/A
Cycling for travel
Cycling for travel A lot more
Cycling for travel A bit more
Cycling for travel Neither more nor less
Cycling for travel A bit less
Cycling for travel A lot less
Cycling for travel Don't know
Cycling for travel N/A
Running or jogging
Running or jogging A lot more
Running or jogging A bit more
Running or jogging Neither more nor less
Running or jogging A bit less
Running or jogging A lot less
Running or jogging Don't know
Running or jogging N/A
Home activity, fitness or exercise classes viewed online or on TV, DVD or video
Home activity, fitness or exercise classes viewed online or on TV, DVD or video A lot more
Home activity, fitness or exercise classes viewed online or on TV, DVD or video A bit more
Home activity, fitness or exercise classes viewed online or on TV, DVD or video Neither more nor less
Home activity, fitness or exercise classes viewed online or on TV, DVD or video A bit less
Home activity, fitness or exercise classes viewed online or on TV, DVD or video A lot less
Home activity, fitness or exercise classes viewed online or on TV, DVD or video Don't know
Home activity, fitness or exercise classes viewed online or on TV, DVD or video N/A
Home activity, fitness or exercise not viewed online or on TV, DVD or video
Home activity, fitness or exercise not viewed online or on TV, DVD or video A lot more
Home activity, fitness or exercise not viewed online or on TV, DVD or video A bit more
Home activity, fitness or exercise not viewed online or on TV, DVD or video Neither more nor less
Home activity, fitness or exercise not viewed online or on TV, DVD or video A bit less
Home activity, fitness or exercise not viewed online or on TV, DVD or video A lot less
Home activity, fitness or exercise not viewed online or on TV, DVD or video Don't know
Home activity, fitness or exercise not viewed online or on TV, DVD or video N/A
Informal active play/games in the house or garden (e.g. throwing, catching, running games)
Informal active play/games in the house or garden (e.g. throwing, catching, running games) A lot more
Informal active play/games in the house or garden (e.g. throwing, catching, running games) A bit more
Informal active play/games in the house or garden (e.g. throwing, catching, running games) Neither more nor less
Informal active play/games in the house or garden (e.g. throwing, catching, running games) A bit less
Informal active play/games in the house or garden (e.g. throwing, catching, running games) A lot less
Informal active play/games in the house or garden (e.g. throwing, catching, running games) Don't know
Informal active play/games in the house or garden (e.g. throwing, catching, running games) N/A
I have not done any physical activity in the past week
I have not done any physical activity in the past week A lot more
I have not done any physical activity in the past week A bit more
I have not done any physical activity in the past week Neither more nor less
I have not done any physical activity in the past week A bit less
I have not done any physical activity in the past week A lot less
I have not done any physical activity in the past week Don't know
I have not done any physical activity in the past week N/A