Clarity Environmental Extended Producer Responsibility Survey

Seeking views from businesses currently obligated under the Producer Responsibility legislation on the introduction of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) in the UK, in 2023. For more information please read here.  
1.Name of respondent (Required.)
2.Email address (Required.)
3.Name of Company (Required.)
4.How did your business respond to the first round of consultations on EPR?
Will the changes proposed in the first round of consultations on EPR have a significant effect on your business? Please consider all impacts from financial, logistical and time spent ensuring packaging compliance is met.

6.How prepared do you believe your business is for EPR, from supply chains and reporting, to packaging design?
7.Are you concerned that the impacts of the current economic climate will affect your ability to prepare for EPR?
8.Are you concerned that the impact of Brexit will affect your ability to prepare for EPR?
9.The second round of consultations for the Resources and Waste Strategy have been delayed (read more here), but the 2023 implementation date of EPR remains. How easy will it be to prepare for the changes in the space of two years, once the second consultation is released?
10.Would you like to get an idea of how much EPR may cost your business?
11.What outcomes would you like to see from a reform of the packaging regulations? Select all that apply
12.Do you feel the legislative changes to packaging regulations have been well communicated by your current compliance scheme?
13.Do you feel the legislative changes to packaging regulations have been well communicated by the government?
14.Do you feel the legislative changes to packaging regulations have been well communicated in the media?