Digital and Communications Officer |
National Theatre of Scotland wants to meet the aims and commitments set out in its Equality and Diversity Policy. The Company needs your help and co-operation to enable it to do this by completing this survey.
The information you provide is anonymous and will be used to create a statistical overview of those involved in our work each year, enabling us to see whether we are meeting our diversity targets and to plan accordingly. This data will be shared across the Company, publicly online and as part of any annual reporting for the Scottish Government and other stakeholders and funders.
You have the opportunity not to disclose any personal information about yourself by ticking the ‘Prefer Not to Say’ box within each section.
Please select each or all of the boxes that you consider apply to you. Results will be automatically collated and sent to the Company.
The information you provide is anonymous and will be used to create a statistical overview of those involved in our work each year, enabling us to see whether we are meeting our diversity targets and to plan accordingly. This data will be shared across the Company, publicly online and as part of any annual reporting for the Scottish Government and other stakeholders and funders.
You have the opportunity not to disclose any personal information about yourself by ticking the ‘Prefer Not to Say’ box within each section.
Please select each or all of the boxes that you consider apply to you. Results will be automatically collated and sent to the Company.