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I wonder how many of you have visited the Dollar Memorial garden (on the junction of Devon Road and Bridge Street) over the past 12 months?

Clackmannanshire Council cut the grass and trim the shrubs, but other than that little appears to have been done over the past few years and it has become overgrown and quite depressing.

The Dollar Horticultural and Garden Club, with the blessing of Clackmannanshire Council and Dollar Community Council, and with support from the Development Trust, would like to rejuvenate the garden over the next 12 months.

Ideas to improve the space include clearing dead shrubs and plants, sprucing up the benches, planting new trees and shrubs, and improving accessibility (e.g. making the paths suitable for wheelchair users).

To do this, the club requires funding and they have come up with the idea of asking members of the community to buy a plant, from a specified list, in memory of a late Dollar resident. They would be discretely labeled with the person’s name, DoB and DoD.

The Club would also love to have some ideas from the Dollar community, so encourage you to go and have a look at the space and use this survey to let us know your thoughts.

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* 1. Have you visited the Dollar Memorial Garden in the last 12 months?

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* 2. If yes, why did you visit?

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* 3. If no, why not? 

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* 4. Do you support Dollar Horticultural and Garden Club making improvements to the garden over the coming 12 months?

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* 5. Do you have any ideas or suggestions of your own? 

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* 6. If you have any concerns or queries regarding the Horticultural club making improvements to the garden, please let us know them here

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* 7. Would you be interested in purchasing a tree/shrub in memory of a late Dollar resident?

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* 8. Please use the space below for any additional comments you may have about Dollar Memorial Garden

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