The Trust is in the process of preparing a site-wide travel plan for Dorothy Pattison Hospital, which is linked to our proposed expansion works on site. A travel plan is a commitment to encourage staff and visitors to choose alternative transport modes (such as public transport, walking, cycling and car share schemes) over single occupancy car use and, where possible, reduce the need to travel at all. Such a plan will include a range of measures and initiatives designed to achieve this goal.
On this basis, the Trust is conducting a travel survey to better understand how staff and visitors are currently travelling to Dorothy Pattison Hospital. The survey results will support the development of an action plan which will help to improve and encourage active, and more sustainable, travel options.
The survey should take no longer than 5 minutes and all results remain anonymous.

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* 1. What is your postcode of your home address?

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* 2. How do you travel to the hospital?