Expression of Interest: Keyworking Project in Dorset County |
NHS England are implementing the recommendations made in Dame Christine Lenehan’s report ‘These are our children’. The aim is: ‘by 2023/24 children and young people with a learning disability, autism or both with the most complex needs will have a designated keyworker’. The Keyworker Role has been developed to ensure children, young people, and their families receive the right support at the right time, and that local systems are responsive to meeting their needs in a holistic and joined up way.
What’s happening locally
This new county wide service will focus on children and young people aged 0 – 25 years with complex needs who are at risk of being admitted to a mental health hospital or inpatient unit or are already in an inpatient setting.
If the service is to meet the needs of young people and their families living in the county it will require the involvement of people with lived experience.
How to get involved
If you are a parent or carer with or without lived experience who would like to know more about this work with a view to getting more involved in codesigning this new service, please let us know by completing this short ‘expressions of interest’ form below.
We collect and store your data in line with data protection regulations. Your information will only be used for this project. If, at any point, you want us to remove your details from our database, or if you have any other questions about this work, please contact