Supporting deaf children with English as an additional language, London - Pre Course Survey 19 March 2019 Question Title * 1. Your name OK Question Title * 2. Job title OK Question Title * 3. Name of organisation OK Question Title * 4. Using the scale below how confident do you feel? 5 = very confident and 1 = not at all confident 1. Not at all confident 2. Not confident 3. Neither 4. Confident 5. Very confident Working with families Working with families 1. Not at all confident Working with families 2. Not confident Working with families 3. Neither Working with families 4. Confident Working with families 5. Very confident Importance of access Importance of access 1. Not at all confident Importance of access 2. Not confident Importance of access 3. Neither Importance of access 4. Confident Importance of access 5. Very confident Assessment Assessment 1. Not at all confident Assessment 2. Not confident Assessment 3. Neither Assessment 4. Confident Assessment 5. Very confident Strategies for support Strategies for support 1. Not at all confident Strategies for support 2. Not confident Strategies for support 3. Neither Strategies for support 4. Confident Strategies for support 5. Very confident Application of tools Application of tools 1. Not at all confident Application of tools 2. Not confident Application of tools 3. Neither Application of tools 4. Confident Application of tools 5. Very confident OK Question Title * 5. How many deaf children and young people do you directly work with who may benefit from what you will learn at the workshop? OK Question Title * 6. What are the ages of the deaf children you work with? OK Question Title * 7. What do you hope to get out of the training? OK DONE