Whether your organisation is at the beginning of its equality, diversity & Inclusion (EDI) journey or you're ready to take your EDI commitment to the next level, we want to ensure that we are here to provide the appropriate support that you need.

We really appreciate you taking some time to complete this survey, so we can ensure our level of support remains appropriate now, and into the future, for you and other organisations.

We appreciate some of the questions could be sensitive, therefore please be assured all answers will remain confidential.

Please leave your details at the end of the survey if you would like to receive the high-level results of the survey, allowing you to see the priorities of other organisations EDI journeys, and see how they compare to your own.

Question Title

* 1. On the scale of 1 – 10, where would you say you are on your EDI journey?

1 = you are at the start of your journey
10 = you have a full EDI strategy and internal resources to deliver.

0 10
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 2. Everyone’s EDI journey is different; we would like to get a sense of where you are on your journey, and which areas you may consider in the future.

Please mark below whether you have completed, in progress, planned/considering or not considered.

  Completed In Progress Planned / Considering Not Considered
EDI audit / 360 review
Culture audit / review
Developed an EDI strategy
Policy review
Hired an EDI Director / Head of / Manager
Conducted a diversity monitoring questionnaire
Made EDI e-learning available to all members of staff
Delivered EDI training to all members of staff
Delivered specific EDI leadership training
Gender / Race equality assessment
Gender / Race pay gap analysis
Disability / Neurodiversity equality assessment
Leadership coaching / mentoring
Leadership / Aspiring leadership development programmes for those from diverse background
Reciprocal / reverse mentoring programme
Inclusive leadership assessment
Internal affinity groups
Launched an allyship programme
EDI benchmarking
EDI recruitment review
EDI onboarding support
Board review
Board development
Pledges (Disability confident, inclusive employers, etc.)
Employee Relations Investigations.

Question Title

* 3. Are there any solutions not mentioned above that you have implemented or considering as part of your EDI journey?

Question Title

* 4. Are there any specific groups that your EDI strategy is looking to support?
e.g. race, gender, disability, LGBTQ+, age, etc.

Question Title

* 5. Are there any particular challenges or obstacles you currently face as part of delivering your EDI goals and progressing your EDI journey?

Question Title

* 6. Have you worked with a third-party consultancy to support and advice you previously?