Quiz for 8 - 11 year olds

This quiz will help you learn a little bit about the history of encryption and computing as well as their uses

Question Title

* 1. Who is considered to be one of the fathers of modern computing and is also responsible for breaking the enigma code during world WW1?

You can find help with this answer HERE and HERE

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* 2. In which decade was the first computer made publicly and widely available?

For help with the answer click HERE

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* 3. What is the most common type of encryption you use on a day to day basis?

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* 4. Which of these is the correct description of end to end encryption?

Read HERE to find the answer

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* 5. A caeser or shift cipher works by changing the letters by a set number (it shifts them). So if A is shifted by 3, what does it become?

Use the tool HERE to help you answer the question?

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* 6. Using the same method as the question above if G was shifted by minus 3 what would it become?

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* 7. A password should always contain a minimum 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, a number and a symbol or special character. They should also be at least 8 if not 10 characters long.

Is the using the word 'password' as a password secure?

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* 8. Is the use of  the password 'PasswordPasswordPassword' more secure?

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* 9. Encryption changes data to be unreadable unless you have a decryption key, so which of these is the most relevant answer.

What does encryption protect you against?

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* 10. Who would be responsible for building cyber security into a project?

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* 11. If you would like to receive a Certificate for completing this survey please leave your Name, Age and an email address (this is optional and your information will only be used for this purpose)