Please complete this questionnaire as soon as possible after the match, whilst your recollection of the matchday experience is still clear.

This questionnaire is designed to follow your matchday journey, from travelling to and arriving at the stadium to reaching your allocated seat, watching the match and leaving the venue.

It also contains questions on any accessible services and facilities you may have used during the match and the service you received from stadium staff, stewards and volunteers.

Please only answer questions that apply to your own matchday experience - you do not need to answer every question.

Please also provide as much detail as possible to best illustrate your experience.

Photographs from your matchday help illustrate areas of best practice or areas of concern. Please email any photographs you wish to share to CAFE's Fan Liaison and Access Officer, Amy Wilson on

If you require any assistance to complete the questionnaire, please email Amy on the address above, or contact Amy by telephone or WhatsApp on +44 (0) 7960 579 305. Alternatively, you can contact CAFE’s London based head office on +44 (0) 208 065 5108 from 10:00 – 18:00 CET on weekdays.

CAFE would like to thank you for your participation in supporting UEFA and CAFE in helping to reach #TotalAccess

Data Protection:

Your participation is entirely voluntary, and all responses and will be regarded as strictly confidential. No data will be accessed by anyone other than staff at CAFE.

CAFE may use some of the questionnaire responses in future publications, but no comments that we publish will be attributable to respondents and names will not be published.

We may contact you to discuss your experiences in further detail, and any contact details you provide will never be shared with any third parties.

For more information on how CAFE will process your data, please feel free to contact us on the details above.