Session feedback 2023/24

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* 1. Please tick these boxes as instructed by your session tutor. Please ignore this question if your session tutor does not tell you to fill it in.

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* 2. Date of session (DD/MM/YYYY)

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* 3. Which School are you from?

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* 4. Are you?

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* 5. If you are an undergraduate; what year are you in?

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* 6. Which course are you studying? e.g. BSc Computer Games Programming

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* 7. Was your session face-to-face or via MS Teams, Blackboard Collaborate or another online platform?

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* 8. Please indicate your level of agreement to this statement

  Strongly disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly agree
The session was useful for me
The session was clear and understandable

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* 9. The most useful aspect of the session was...

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* 10. How will this help you succeed in your studies?

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* 11. If there was one thing you could change about the content of the session what would it be?