Complete the fields below

Your customers can vote for you until 3rd February.  Votes will then be counted those with the most votes in each category will become a finalist and will either have judges visit their hotels or be asked for submissions.

Question Title

* 1. Hotel Name

Question Title

* 2. General Manager Name

Question Title

* 3. GM Email

Question Title

* 4. Your Name & Role (if not GM)

Question Title

* 5. Your email

Question Title

* 6. Hotel Address

Question Title

* 7. Categories you would like to enter (as many as you would like):

Question Title

* 8. If you have entered Concierge/GM/Events Manager or Team, please give us the names

Question Title

* 9. Facebook Name

Question Title

* 10. Do you confirm that you are entering your hotel in to the Prestige Hotel Awards 2023 and that you will comply to the judging process before the Gala Final on 23rd March 2023

Question Title

* 11. How Many Rooms in your Hotel?

Question Title

* 12. Website Name