Recruitment D&I Survey

Creative UK is committed to promoting diversity and inclusion. We aim for our opportunities to be accessible to all, by completing this survey you'll help us ensure we're reaching a wide range of potential applicants at recruitment phase.  

The information will not be shared with the shortlisting panel and will only be used for providing our overall recruitment statistics and is not reported on an individual basis. All personal data supplied on this form will be managed in accordance with GDPR.

This survey is fully anonymous and optional to complete.
1.What job role are you applying for?
2.What is your age?
3.Which of the following best describes you/your gender
4.Do you identify as trans?
5.How do you describe your sexuality
6.Do you consider yourself to be a disabled person, have a disability, or long-term condition? This can include dyslexia, diabetes, arthritis, a heart condition or mental health condition.
7.What is your ethnic group? Choose one option that best describes your ethnic group or background
8.Asian/Asian British
9.Black/African/Caribbean/Black British
10.Mixed/Multiple ethnic groups
12.Any other ethnic group
13.Please tell us about the occupation of your main household earner when you were age 14.
14.Which type of school did you attend for the most time between the ages of 11 and 16?
15.If you finished school after 1980, were you eligible for free school meals at any point during your school years? Free school meals are available to school-aged children from families who receive other qualifying benefits and who have been through the relevant registration process. It does not include those who receive meals at school through other means (e.g. boarding school).
16.Do you have caring responsibilities?
Current Progress,
0 of 16 answered