This event/ screening is brought to you using BFI Film Audience Network (FAN) funds from the National Lottery, in support of giving everyone, everywhere in the UK the opportunity to enjoy a diverse range of British and international films. We are carrying out this survey to find out if our activities are helping to achieve this aim.
There are some questions about you and your background. We’re requesting this information to evaluate the effectiveness of our work to boost audience diversity and inclusivity for British and international films. The questions are designed to align with UK Government census data so we can compare our audience profile to the general population. If you would rather not answer any of these questions, please choose ‘prefer not to say’ or skip to the next.
Responses will be collated and analysed and the collated data will be shared with the organisers of this activity, the BFI, BFI FAN and Screen Scotland. If you have any questions about how your data is being used, you can get in touch