SDAC Confidential Customer Feedback Survey

We value feedback from people using our Helpline as it helps us to learn what we do well and where we can improve.  We are here to help and support you.  We want to get it right.  Thank you for taking the time to complete this short questionnaire.
1.Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied were you with the help given?
2.Which of the following words would you use to describe your experience of the SDAC Helpline? Select all that apply.
3.Was there enough time to talk?
4.How would you rate the quality of SDAC Helpline?
5.Were your questions or concerns about drugs, alcohol or mental health answered well?
6.Why did you call SDAC Helpline?
On a scale of 0 to 10,
How likely is it that you would recommend SDAC Helpline to a friend or colleague?
0 for Not at all likely, 10 for Extremely likely
Not at all likelyExtremely likely
8.Do you have any other comments that you would like to add that may help us to improve our service?
Current Progress,
0 of 8 answered