Thank you giving us feedback about the website. The information you give will help us to improve the website for you and others. The information you give is completely anonymous, confidential and  cannot be traced to you.

CPA is a free resource for users and medical professionals. All our information and advice is based on the latest scientific research and evidence. The website is independent from industry and is supported by the University of Southampton and the International Continence Society. Please take a couple of minutes to answer the following questions.

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* 1. Are you seeking product information for: (Please tick one option)

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* 2. Who are you seeking product information for? (Please tick one option)

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* 3. Which parts of the website have you found helpful or do you think you might find helpful? (Please tick all options that apply)

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* 4. Overall, how helpful have you found the website or how helpful do you think you might find it? (Please tick one option)

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* 5. Would you recommend this website to someone else e.g. a colleague, patient, family member or friend? (Please tick one option)

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* 6. If you have already used the website, how has it affected your confidence in making decisions about products? (Please tick one option)

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* 7. If you have already used the website, has it led to you doing any of the following? (Please tick all options that apply)