Are you from a Black African or Black Caribbean background? Have you used NHS maternity services in West Birmingham in the past five years?
If so, please share your experiences, good or bad, of using maternity services in West Birmingham. We want to know the key issues you face when accessing maternity services: what is working well, what is not working well, and what can be done to make improvements.
We want to know what you think.
Healthwatch Birmingham is your independent champion for health and social care services.

How can you share your experiences?
We would like to speak to you face-to-face, over the phone, on Whatsapp, Zoom or Teams. Please sign up as soon as possible and you will get a £20 voucher and be entered into a £50 draw. Interviews are taking place already so get in touch soon. Thank you.


Question Title

* Leave your contact details below and we will get in touch

For more information: 

· Call us on 0800 652 5278 / 0121 636 0990 and speak to Chipiliro Kalebe-Nyamongo/Ghazanfar Sami Khan (Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm)

· Email  or  and leave us your contact details

If you wish to know more about Healthwatch Birmingham please visit our website: 
Thank you so much for expressing your interest to be part of this project. We'll be in touch soon.
*Healthwatch Birmingham takes the protection of your data very seriously. If you agree to give us your name and contact details, we will keep your information secure and manage this in accordance with the law and with our Privacy Policy. You can find a copy of this at We will only use your information for the reasons stated in the privacy policy. We will not share your data with anyone else unless you agree. If you wish to withdraw your consent at any time or have any concerns about how your data is being used please contact our Data Protection Officer on 0800 652 5278 or at