Thanks for helping us identify examples of 'public, private, philanthropy partnerships'. This form will ask you a few quick questions about the PPPP you are suggesting.

We define PPPPs as follows: 
‘a long-term multi-stakeholder partnership in which public, private, and philanthropy sectors combine funding and/or non-financial resources to enable social, economic and/or environmental transformation.’

So, we are looking for collaborations that meet the following criteria:
  • All 3 Ps (public, private, philanthropy) are collaborating with each other, combining significant financial and/or non-financial resources
  • The collaboration is formalized (understood broadly - i.e. may not be legally binding, but needs to constitute a written, formal agreement)
  • The partnership may include funding and implementing projects, as well as partnership to create a blended finance mechanism
  • We are looking at global, regional, national and local level PPPPs
  • We are sector agnostic – so any kind of thematic area is welcome
  • The PPPP must aim to enable transformational change for the benefit of people & planet
You will be given the opportunity at the end of the form to submit further examples.

Question Title

* 1. Please tick the box to indicate your consent to participate in this survey and allow the use of your responses for the PPPPs for People and Planet Library. Your personal information will be kept confidential and will not be shared outside the TPI research team. By providing your personal information, you give permission for TPI to contact you for further information about the PPPP. 

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* 2. Would you like to join the PPPPs for People & Planet community to receive updates and invites to relevant events?

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* 3. Please provide your:

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* 4. Long name of the PPPP:

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* 5. Abbreviated name of the PPPP, if applicable:

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* 6. Please provide a link to more information about the PPPP online, if available:

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* 7. Main entities involved in the PPPP:

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* 8. Which of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals does the PPPP relate to? (Select as many as apply):

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* 9. What is the scope of the PPPP? 

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* 10. Briefly describe the PPPP in 2-3 sentences:

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* 11. Is there anything else you'd like to share about the PPPP?

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* 12. Would you like to add another example?