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* 1. Do you have a potential Automotive project that would suit FTDI`s USB High Speed bridging devices?

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* 2. What package type would be required, LQFP, QFN etc.?

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* 3. How many ports would be required?

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* 4. Do you have any specific qualification requirements outwith AEQ?

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* 5. What type of vehicle would the device be used on?

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* 6. What is/are the application(s) of the IC?

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* 7. What AEC Q100 grade is needed?

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* 8. What kind of interface is needed?

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* 9. What is the average design and verify cycle?

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* 10. What is the average project life cycle?

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* 11. Where will you source and enquire for this kind of technology?

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* 12. Please enter your contact details below including your email address.

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* 13. Please enter your contact details below including your email address.