Inclusive Ensemble

New inclusive music ensemble / group / band

We have been asked by families to start an inclusive musical ensemble / band / group. Like our other work, it would be open to young people and their families (siblings, parents, carers, grandparents). This would be for young people over 8 years old as lots of our other work is for under 8s. You would need no musical experience. We would write new music as a group to perform for people. You would be able to try out different instruments and/or bring your own if you play one. It will be tailored to the needs of the group and intergenerational. It will be held at Leeds Conservatoire in Leeds City Centre and in partnership with them.
1.Is an inclusive music ensemble something you would be interested in?
2.Why / Why not?
3.Do you play an instrument already?
4.If yes, which instrument do you play?
5.Do you attend a music group already?
6.Have you ever written your own music before?
7.When would you want to attend a music group at Leeds Conservatoire in Leeds City Centre? Tick all that apply
8.How many of you would come?
9.What would we need to put in place to make the ensemble accessible for you?
10.Thank you for answering the questions. Please add any further comments below and contact details if you'd like to hear more about the group.