Thank you for agreeing to be an important part of the DEC anniversary project by taking part in our survey. Please answer as many questions as fully as you can!

You can read our privacy policy - and find out how data that’s collected will be handled - at the bottom.

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* 1. Please tell us your name.

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* 2. Approximately what year did you start working with DEC hardware and/or software?

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* 3. What sector were you in?

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* 4. Which products did you first use?

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* 5. Did you have an IT background before using DEC?

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* 6. What job titles have you held within the IT field?

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* 7. Did experience of being a DEC customer influence your career in any of the following ways:

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* 8. If you were a programmer, what languages did/can you use?

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* 9. Did you use DEC systems in any other sectors?

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* 10. Which systems did you use in other sectors?

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* 11. Tell us in a few words about one DEC environment you worked on that you think was particularly cool, impressive or useful.

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* 12. Were you a member of DECUS – if, so, what membership did you have?

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* 13. If you were a member, how did DECUS help you in your job?

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* 14. Did DEC give you previews of new technology and plans or seek your feedback – please highlight one or two areas where this happened.

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* 15. What business/technology challenges did DEC’s innovations and products help you to solve?

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* 16. How did DEC’s approach to sales, consulting service and support compare to those from other technology firms?

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* 17. What factors or qualities made DEC so compelling to users like you?

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* 18. Please describe your one most abiding memory of working with DEC products and people.

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* 19. Have you kept any mementoes, souvenirs or products from working at DEC -  and, if so, would you please provide a list and/or give a brief description here?

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* 20. Would you be willing to be contacted by a museum researcher to share a little further your memories and experience of working with DEC?

If so, please provide your email address here:

Thank-you for your answers! As promised, you can find our privacy and data policy here.