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Criminalisation of women due to poverty and status  

Penal Reform International (PRI) and Women Beyond Walls are collaborating to map out the key areas in need of reform related to the criminalisation of women globally due to their poverty and status. We want to know which criminal laws target or disproportionately impact women, what do we know about the impact of these laws, and what is happening to move towards decriminalization or reform. We will publish the findings in a policy briefing aimed at policymakers, advocates, researchers, donors and others.  
Many thanks for your valuable contribution. All responses will be confidential.  
Note the term “women” is used throughout to include women, gender diverse and non binary people.  

Question Title

* 1. Name (and organisation, if applicable)

Question Title

* 2. E-mail

Question Title

* 3. Country

Question Title

* 4. What laws or offenses criminalise women specifically, or disproportionately criminalise women, in your country? Select any that apply and give details where possible.  
If possible, please list the type of criminal sanction that is imposed for each law/ offense e.g. fine, sentence up to 3 years in prison etc. 

  Yes No
Offenses of vagrancy, loitering, idleness  
Life-sustaining activities such as begging or petty theft 
Informal economies (eg, informal trading, brewing/selling alcohol without a license, etc.) 
Criminalisation of homelessness, including using public spaces for sleeping or erecting shelter in a public place; washing or bathing; leaving or storing personal possessions, etc. 
Criminalisation of debt/ non-payment of fines 
So-called 'honor' crimes  
Morality crimes eg, adultery, sex before marriage, wearing “immoral” clothing etc. 
Laws that require women to seek permission from their husband/ family to leave their home/ travel/ work 
Criminalisation of abortion  
Criminalisation of witchcraft/sorcery/ritual attacks  
Criminalisation of sexual orientation/gender identity
Criminalisation of drug use or possession for personal use  
Criminalisation of sex work (or related offences such as soliciting for the purposes of prostitution) 
Criminalisation of self-harm/ suicide  
Other (please describe)  

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* 5. Has any research/data been published that shows the impact of these laws/offences on women (e.g. data on women charged/convicted/detained under these offences compared to men; qualitative research; etc.)? Please share any links if possible.

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* 6. Are you involved in or aware of any current initiatives aimed at reforming any these laws (e.g. ongoing research/ advocacy/ litigation/ law reform process)?  

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* 7. Please share links to any case studies/ articles that have been published that show the personal impact of these laws on women. These will be used to build understanding. We will seek relevant consent before sharing any stories further.

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* 8. Please let us know if you are happy for your organisation to be listed at the end of the report as a contributor to the research.  

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